Saturday, August 30, 2008


"GO VEGETARIAN & REDUCE GLOBAL WARMING A recent study by the German Institute of Ecological Economy Research revealed that people eating a vegetarian diet produces only about 50 % of green house gases in a year as compared to those eating meat. A person consuming vegetarian diet produces in an year green house gases equivalent to that generated by driving a mid-size car for 2427 kilometers. A diet with meat for 12 months produces emissions equivalent that produced by driving the car for 4758 kilometers. This calculation has taken into account the methane produced by the animals, emissions from manufacturing feed and fertilizer, and that produced by the use of the farmland. If the vegetarian food is organically produced, then the carbon foot print is reduced to almost a 17th of that of a meat diet. The study also showed that producing beef, which is the most environmentally unfriendly, releases almost 3 times as much emission as that released in producing pork. Hence encouraging a diet with as little beef and milk products will reduce the global warming significantly. This study is thus a strong supporter of a vegetarian diet has been widely acclaimed as a healthier one in this age of diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases. (Source: AFP, Berlin, as quoted by The Economic Times, August 29, 08)"

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