Friday, November 12, 2010

Nathanael Baker | God Will Not Allow Global Warming Proclaims Rep. John Shimkus, Seeking Top U.S. Congress Energy Position

Nathanael Baker | God Will Not Allow Global Warming Proclaims Rep. John Shimkus, Seeking Top U.S. Congress Energy Position U.S. House Representative John Shimkus (Republican-Illinois), who has opposed cap and trade legislation because he believes God will not allow the earth to be destroyed by global warming, is running to become the House Energy and Commerce Committee chairman. May God help us all!!!

Countdown to 'thermogeddon' has begun - environment - 11 November 2010 - New Scientist

Countdown to 'thermogeddon' has begun - environment - 11 November 2010 - New Scientist THERE may come a point, if the world warms enough, when parts of the tropics will become so hot and humid that humans will not be able to survive. Models predict that this could start to happen in places in as little as 100 years in the worst case scenario. Now, observations show the process is already under way.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Water, Water Everywhere - IBM - New Scientist

Water, Water Everywhere - IBM - New Scientist Electricity and water form the lifeblood of our cities. As populations grow and we switch to renewable sources of power, neither will be as plentiful as they are today. Singapore has become the world leader in catching, using and recycling water.

Thermogeddon: When the Earth gets too hot for humans - environment - 26 October 2010 - New Scientist

Thermogeddon: When the Earth gets too hot for humans - environment - 26 October 2010 - New Scientist IT IS the late 23rd century. Houston, Tel Aviv, Shanghai and many other once-bustling cities are ghost towns. No one lives in Louisiana or Florida anymore, and vast swathes of Africa, China, Brazil, India and Australia are no-go zones, too. That's because in all of these places it gets hot and humid enough to kill anyone who cannot find an air-conditioned shelter.